
Спутниковая связь

Cosmoexport provides end-to-end turnkey telecommunication projects and integration to existing infrastructure. This includes network rollout projects, where Cosmoexport provides the operator a fully operational network. Operators can also benefit from our experience in numerous projects with consultancy and other professional services.

Among the components that go into a Cosmoexport turnkey project are:


· Market analysis and consultant services prior to entry

· Business plan generation

· Network analysis and development

· Teleport design

· Network, space segment and backhaul planning consultancy


· Integration to SS7, legacy prepaid phones and other network interfaces

· Peripheral equipment such as VoIP phones and video equipment

· Integrating existing infrastructure and equipment with the VSAT network


· Space segment and backhaul acquisition

· Sales and Marketing training

· Teleport build up

· Network deployment

· Commissioning/provisioning

· Maintenance planning

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